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Learn About Orthodoxy
God invites us to experience and participate in His love by offering ourselves to one another.
Sharing the Gospel of Christ in the Greater Boston area since 1922
The story of the Parish of St. John the Baptist Greek Orthodox Church of Boston goes back to the beginnings of the 20th century but officially begins in 1922, when the first Constitutional Charter of the Parish was published. This historic edifice was constructed in 1862 by a Protestant community (1862-1887) and it later became a Jewish Synagogue, the Temple Ohabei Shalom (1887-1921). The Parish of St. John acquired its magnificent and exquisite church building in 1924 and has been a Greek Orthodox Church ever since.
We warmly invite you to join us for Liturgy on Sundays (8:30 AM Orthros, 9:30 AM Liturgy), or any of our frequent evening vigil services. Come experience our vibrant and historic community!
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Friday of the 16th Week
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